Alta's Odyssey

Coming 2023
A game by Matt Ciccone
After feeling the loss of his beloved rabbit to the passing of time, a boy and his companion
go on a final journey through fantastical lands to one final goodbye.
Awarded Outstanding Achievement in Game Design by the University of Connecticut.
Opening title of The Journey
Using complimentary colors and tones to create a calming feel with a sense of foreboding tension.
Using complimentary colors and tones to create a calming feel with a sense of foreboding tension.
Title card appears in scene with parallaxing to give more depth.
Title card appears in scene with parallaxing to give more depth.
A storm brews in the distance in the stage of depression. Using blue hues to give a somber look while still making details readable.
A storm brews in the distance in the stage of depression. Using blue hues to give a somber look while still making details readable.
Skill jumps and platforming are a must to get through these stages safely.
Skill jumps and platforming are a must to get through these stages safely.
Alta's home, a starting point of the journey to introduce players to the story and mechanics.
Alta's home, a starting point of the journey to introduce players to the story and mechanics.
Anger, consumed by red and violent storms creating a barren wasteland. Red and orange tones are used to give a energetic tone. The player follows footprints, has someone been here before?
Anger, consumed by red and violent storms creating a barren wasteland. Red and orange tones are used to give a energetic tone. The player follows footprints, has someone been here before?
Run cycle, created to be a perfect loop and have the poncho feel dymanic.
Run cycle, created to be a perfect loop and have the poncho feel dymanic.
Idle, having the player feel at rest but still alive with movement.
Idle, having the player feel at rest but still alive with movement.
Jump cycle, to give the feeling of inertia with a bilow of the poncho to catch your fall.
Jump cycle, to give the feeling of inertia with a bilow of the poncho to catch your fall.

Alta Character Animations

Official Trailer

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